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Sterilization of infected waste


Our mission is to design and build sterilization systems to treat waste at proven risk of infection, capable of high productivity rates, strong economic sustainability, easy operation and low maintenance costs.

PCB indicates something exclusive, highly efficient and functional. Our challenge is to offer products and services that are really able to convey a positive impression and going, possibly, beyond the expectations of customers, since from the first use.

Why sterilization

The sterilization of biohazardous waste is now a viable alternative to the incinerator for a number of advantageous reasons summarized as follows:

  • Treatment close to the place of production, with a consequent reduction of Biohazard, reducing road transportation and environmental contamination risks.
  • Immediate and safe treatment: the increase in infections due to the displacement of persons and the increase of carriers closely linked to the spread of pathogens determine the consequent need to make the waste harmless as soon as possible.
  • Sustainable Cost of treatment.
  • Investment remarkably low if compared to other solutions.
  • Short lead times than other solutions.
  • 6 to 1 reduction of the initial volume.
  • The final product consists in sterile Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) with high calorific value.
  • Multiple choice of final disposal of the sterilized waste: incinerators, gasifiers, cement plants.



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